Owl Cakes

October 2022


    1 1/2 sticks of unstalked butter2 ten-oz bags of mini marshamllows8 1/2 cup chocolate Rice KrispiesOreosM&M’s


    Melt the butter in a large pot on medium heat till completely melted.

    Stir in the marshmallows till melted.

    On low heat add the chocolate rice krisps.

    Mix until combined.Pour mixture onto a wax lined pan.

    Let the mixture cool.

    When cool, roll a handful of the mixture into large spehere.

    Press down and flatten. Pull apart the oreos, using the filling side as the owl eyes.

    Place M&M’s on the oreos for the pupils and one for the beak. Enjoy!

      Owl Warmies

      Grab your Warmies & make this tasty snack with family and friends.